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Photoluminescent Signage

Photoluminescent signage are exit path markings, these are widely used for life safety improvement in government as well as commercial buildings. Photoluminescent is their property that makes them glow-in-dark. These products are attached high on walls, lifts and doors so that they can be easily seen from distance. These signages prove to be very helpful at times of emergency. Our signs are very convenient, as you don't need to manually charge them. They charge automatically by different light sources during the day time like sunlight and light from bulbs as well as tube lights. Which they further use to stay illuminated whole night. They are manufactured using advanced techniques in our high tech units. They are made using top quality materials which give them long life, water resistant quality and a durable design. Join us in getting safer buildings and workplaces by using our Photoluminescent Signage.   

Photoluminescent Safety Signages

This Photoluminescent Safety Signages is a safety way guidance system (SWGS) .This is a means of escape where the way leads to the safe condition and alternative means of escape from the most difficult situation.

Photoluminescent Exit Signage

This Photoluminescent Exit Signage is a safety way guidance system (SWGS) .This is a means of escape where the way leads to the safe condition and alternative means of escape from the most difficult situation.

Lift Signage

Emergency lighting is required in most public buildings, hospital, factories, hotel, and restaurants to ensure that exit and escape paths are adequately illuminated in the event of mains power failure. We have an exhaustive range of Exit/Fire Exit, guide lights/safety lights/community signs to ensure an orderly and peaceful dispersal of crowd from public places. Also available in three level of safety-mains operated, battery operated and photoluminescent modes

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